Website Terms

Website Terms of Use


The website (Website) is provided by Luxury With a Cause Pty Ltd (ABN 64 663 309 000) (Tašna, we, us).


These Terms of Use (Terms) govern your use of the Website. By accessing and using the Website you agree to be bound by these Terms and you agree to adhere to them. If you do not agree to the Terms please do not access or use the Website.


Ownership of Website content

Unless otherwise stated, all Website content is the copyright of Tašna or is licensed to Tašna and may also be protected by other intellectual property laws. Although we don’t mind if you to post links to our site and content or share content via social media, you may not use or reproduce any of the content on the Website without the prior permission of Tašna.

Use of the Website

The Website may be used for personal, non-commercial purposes only.


You must not use the Website for any activities that:

(i)                 breach any laws or regulations or infringe third party rights, including intellectual property rights; or

(ii)               are obscene, defamatory, offensive or discriminatory.


You agree that you will not use the Website to make any fraudulent enquiries, bookings or requests.


You must not transmit any virus or disabling feature to or via the Website.


You must not upload or post any content to the Website that:

(i)                 breaches any laws or regulations or infringes third party rights, including intellectual property rights; or

(ii)               is obscene, defamatory, offensive or discriminatory.


Where you post or upload content to the Website:

(i)     you warrant that you have the right to submit the content or information/comment (including the copyright in that content or information/comment);

(ii)   you warrant that the content, information or comment is your own and that it is an original work;

(iii) you consent to any act or omission which may infringe the moral rights (as that term is defined in the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth)) that you may have in the content, information or comment; and

(iv) you grant Tašna a non-exclusive, irrevocable, royalty-free, perpetual licence to copy, reproduce, publish, display or alter such content, information or comment for any purpose, in any media (that is now in existence or invented in the future) throughout the world.


Cookies are small pieces of data captured by your internet browser when you access online content. Our Privacy Policy outlines how we use cookies. If you disable cookies on your browser or device, you may not be able to fully experience all features of the Website.

Social Media

Tašna uses a number of social media sites (including Facebook and Instagram) and the Website may include a number of social media functions, including consumer reviews, ratings and forums and the ability to interact with other users. We reserve the right to cease the use of any such social media sites and/or social media functions at our discretion.


You acknowledge that each social media site is governed by its own specific terms of use and that any content uploaded or posted by a user to a social media site, including any comment, opinion or statement, is the responsibility of those users and does not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Tašna.


You agree that you must not post any content or link to this Website or to any of Tašna’s social media sites that does not comply with these Terms.


Tašna reserves the right to moderate any user generated content that is uploaded or posted on the Website or any of Tašna’s social media sites and remove any content that, in our opinion, is in breach of these Terms.

Third Party Websites

The Website may contain links to other websites that are owned by third parties. These links are provided for your convenience only and should not be taken as an endorsement (express or implied) of the third party websites. If you choose to access these third party websites, you do so at your own risk.


Subject to the paragraph below, you acknowledge and agree that the Website, its operation and the information, content and products included or featured on the Website are provided on a “as is” and “as available” basis and without any warranty of any kind, express or implied. We do not guarantee that the Website will be error free or operate continuously.


Certain laws provide non-excludable statutory guarantees, conditions or warranties for the supply of certain goods or services. Nothing in these Terms is to be taken to exclude, restrict or modify any guarantee, condition or warranty in relation to the Website, that Tašna is prohibited by law from excluding restricting or modifying.  If such a statutory guarantee applies to these Terms and Tašna breaches it, Tašna accepts liability for such breach, but, where it is lawful to do so and fair and reasonable to do so, Tašna’s liability is limited to the resupply of the relevant goods or services or payment of the costs of resupplying the relevant goods or services.



By accessing and using the Website you assume all risk of use of all features of the Website and release Tašna from all responsibility for any consequences of your use of the Website.


Tašna is not liable to you or any other person for damages or loss of any kind, including any indirect, consequential, incidental or special damages, or loss of profit, loss of revenue, business interruption, loss of data, loss of goodwill arising from or in connection with the use of the Website, whether in contract, negligence or other tort, even if the possibility of such damage or loss has been notified to us.



Privacy is important to us. Any personal information disclosed by you or collected by Tašna will be dealt with in accordance with our Privacy Policy which can be found here.



Tašna may update the Terms from time to time and any updates to the Terms will be published here. Please make sure you visit this page regularly to view any changes.


Governing Law

These Terms are governed by the laws of the state of Victoria, Australia. In the event of any disputes in relation to the Website, the courts of the State of Victoria, Australia will have non-exclusive jurisdiction.

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